Sunday, October 26, 2008

Only 3 weeks to DOB

Joie is getting bigger and Feenix is getting better. His tail is sore and we have struggle againts that all autumn.
We are going to get one more ultrasound and I will inform how many kittens we are able to see in womb.
Joie had morning sick but now it is over. She seem to be really happy and full of energy. Of course tummy is getting heavy to carry. Feenix seem to take care of her all a time or maybe I just want to see that way. I am so eager to see how Joie nurse kittens and is she willing to let Feenix nurse kittens too.

Here is couple pics from last week

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Joie is pregnant!!!

Our dream come true! It seem like Joie and Feenix is going to have offsprings. We were in ultrasound yesterday with both parents ;-)
Joie DOB is in 17.11.2008.
Iris gratuated Grand Internation Champion last weekend. Salsa is finally also pregnant. There is so much good news that I will go crazy.
If you are interested to know more about our future kittens, please dont hesitate to take contact to us.
I did try to upload pics here but I couldn`t so I will try to do it tomorrow.