Sunday, October 08, 2006

Finally! Kittens are here

Iris got kittens yesterday :) They are now one day old
Three chocolatepotted kittens. I think 2 of them are girls and one and biggest is boy.
They are so lovely and lively.
Girls are now 107 g and boy 127 g so there is really size difference between genders.
Birth went well but whole birth process took time.
We filmed birth and I looked it today. I realise how nervous I am in that moment. Luckily Iris took it quite calm.
I am not going to publish film but here are some photos from birth:
Kittens photos

I allready have names for kittens but I am not going to publish those yet ;)
I can give one tip. Names have connection to my breeder name.
And in that case here is some facts behind my breeder name. Animagi is from Harry Potter and it means a wizard or witch who is capable of turning into a particular animal and back at will. Word become from Latin and it is combination of the Latin words "animal" and "magus," meaning "animal wizard."

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